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Article 18 Refund of benefits provided to members of the family residing in the State...

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Article 18 Refund of benefits provided to members of the family residing in the State...

Refund of benefits provided to members of the family residing in the State other than the competent State or in the State other than the State where the pensioner is resident

  • The amount of benefits in kind provided under Article 15, paragraph 2, of the Convention, to members of the family who are not residing in the territory of the same Contracting Party as the person from whom they derive their entitlement, as well as the amount of benefits in kind provided under Article 19, paragraph 3, of the Convention shall be evaluated on the basis of a lump-sum in respect of each calendar year.
  • The lump-sum payment due by the Netherlands institutions shall be determined by multiplying the average annual costs per member of the family in Croatia by the number of months of immatriculation to be taken into account and dividing it by 12. The average annual costs per member of the family in Croatia shall be equal to the average annual expenditure on all the benefits in kind provided by the institutions in Croatia to all insured persons subject to the Croatian legislation.
  • The lump-sum payment due by the Croatian institutions shall be determined by multiplying the average annual costs per member of the family in the Netherlands by the number of months of immatriculation to be taken into account and dividing it by 12. The average annual costs per member of the family shall be equal to the average of the annual expenditure on all the benefits in kind provided by the institutions in the Netherlands to all the members of the family of insured persons younger than 65 years of age subject to the Netherlands legislation.

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